Project 365: Fail

I tried but I just couldn’t keep up after only a week. Full time work, a large backlog of photos to process, blog post ideas bouncing in my head and various other things made my P365 not a chore, but an unwelcome pressure that I set for myself.

Can't Sleep 5/365
Can’t Sleep 5/365

A big part is that I’m a bit of a perfectionist. If I don’t see a good photo, I don’t take one. I’ll tweak photos endlessly, and I make fairly brutal culls when I’m editing down my selects from a shoot. I’m not satisfied just taking a quick iPhone picture of the dog just to satisfy the “one photo a day” requirement, I need to try and make it something interesting.

Happy, Well trained dog. 3/365
Happy, Well trained dog. 3/365

In the end all the above stuff put together just got to me and I stopped, and I lost a lot of motivation to even just pick up the camera considering the number of really great P365 projects on flickr.

Its been almost a month since I’ve taken any photos.

Writing the previous blog post has been a big help reminding me of what I can achieve and the great people I’ve met doing photography.

One Reply to “Project 365: Fail”

  1. Yeah, even with Luke helping me out with my P365/#dailymitsu, it’s hard to keep up the meaningless flood of random images :\ Still, P>365 is better than P0!

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